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  1. 2 Day Forecast Weather API. This easy to use weather API Web Service allows developers and programmers to get current weather condition and 2 day forecast information for multiple global locations via our XML weather and JSON weather feed services. Read more.

  2. Local weather including forecast, climate history, latest weather and more.

    • Weather | Local | Weather information
  3. To get a forecast right now simply use the search menu. If you want to know more about our forecast data then read on. Weather2 has been around since 2002 but until 2008 our forecasts had only been available via our client's Web sites or mobile applications.

    • Weather Forecasts |
  4. Local weather for worldwide locations including forecasts, climate history and latest weather information. Also specialise in marine weather and mountain weather.

  5. Weather2 is a leading provider of personalised, location based, global weather information with clients around the world. Weather2 services are delivered via mobile telephone and the Internet. Fast access to weather forecasting for any location, from wherever you are, is the key aim of Weather2.

    • About |
  6. Username*. Password**. Confirm Password**. Email Address**. Information about Weather2, a company providing comprehensive forecasting and related weather services, historical climate data and monthly averages, real time information and more for individuals and business.

  7. Watch videos about weather forecasts, impacts and phenomena from and Weather2 Ltd. See clips from BBC, IBM, Scarlett Johansson and more.