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  1. Patrick Verona is an eighteen year old senior student and male protagonist of the film "10 Things I Hate About You", alongside Kat Stratford, the female protagonist, and is portrayed by Heath Ledger.

  2. Patrick Verona is a main character in 10 Things I Hate About You. He's portrayed by [Heath Ledger In the show he is showed as an aggressive boy who everybody is scared of, but he actually isn't that scary. From the beginning he shows interest in Kat, who is pretending to be annoyed by him, but...

  3. 10 Dinge, die ich an Dir hasse ist eine US-amerikanische Liebeskomödie des Regisseurs Gil Junger aus dem Jahr 1999, die auf William Shakespeares Theaterstück Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung basiert. Die Handlung wurde in eine US-amerikanische Highschool verlegt.

  4. Patrick Verona is a junior. Patrick is a quiet, brooding loner who is often getting into trouble. He is described by Walter, Kat's father, as a "deep voiced, very tall teenager that looks like a man." He is feared by most of the students including Mandella, Kat's only friend, who is the only one...

  5. The film follows new student Cameron James (Gordon-Levitt) who is smitten with Bianca Stratford (Oleynik) and attempts to get bad boy Patrick Verona (Ledger) to date her antisocial sister Kat (Stiles) in order to get around her father's strict rules on dating.

  6. Patrick is a stranger to Padua High School’s culture. His “bad boy” attitude may be a result of his lack of desire to fit in with the normal kids. But deep down, he’s just a sensitive soul who spent a year “watching Wheel of Fortune and making SpaghettiOs” while taking care of his sick grandpa.

  7. Patrick Verona is the main male character in the 1999 romantic comedy 10 Things I Hate About You. He is a rebellious and charming bad boy who falls in love with Kat Stratford, a smart and independent girl who hates him at first.