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  1. 27. Mai 2024 · Der Hersteller Joka Fit bietet nur Sporttrampoline an und das Joka Fit Cacau 2.0 in unserem Test ist das „premium“ Modell einigen Extras im Vergleich zum Vorgängermodell. Doch ob diese Features wirklich gut sind und das Joka Fit Fitness Trampolin im Test überhaupt überzeugen konnte, siehst du hier. 32 Gummiseile zur Federung.

    • Quickstart
    • Getting Started in Cacau
    • Assertions
    • Functionalities
    • Cacau with Colors in Slime
    • Asdf Integration
    • Contributing
    • Todo
    • API

    And you get the output of the reporter :minthat is the default of the cacacau: There are also others reporters. See that the cacau returned T, this happened because none test failed, when there are tests failing or errors (errorsof hooks by example) it's returned NIL.


    1. cacau 1.1. Read in other languages 1.2. Quickstart 1.3. Getting started in cacau 1.3.1. Summary 1.3.2. Portability 1.3.3. Dependencies 1.3.4. Download and Load 1.3.5. Funcionalities Suites Hooks before all before each after each after all hooks in :suite-root before/after each inheritance Only and Skip run only tests/suites skip tests/suites precedence order "skip -...


    I just tested on Linux using SBCL, coming soon I will writer tests for the others platforms using some CI tool.

    Download and Load

    1 - Load cacau system by quicklisp 2 - Download and load cacau system by github and asdf download from github: and load by asdf: Note: Remember to configure asdf to find your directory where you downloaded the libraries (asdf call them "systems")above, if you do not know how to make a read at: or

    The cacau was built to be independent of assertions systems, is truethat in Common Lisp we don't have many systems of assertions, but I'mtrying with the cacau create this pattern so it can make it easier to useof one some assertion system in many different test runner systems.So the user stay free to choice what more please you.I built the assertio...


    You can organize your tests in suites: The cacau test runner it has one :suite-root, so always that you call thefunction (run) a new runner is created with one new :suite-root.


    The order of execution of the hooks follow the topics order below,thus is executed: 1. before-all hook 2. before-each hook 3. after-each hook 4. after-all hook

    Only and Skip

    You can want run some tests in isolation or skip some tests for sometime.With the cacau you can do this, and you can isolate or skip both suites and tests.

    The cacau use ANSI escape codes for print your colorful outputs, andby default the SLIME does not support this. For enable the use ANSI colors in the SLIME, you will need follow themsteps below: 1. Copy "slime-repl-ansi-color.el" file You will need copy theslime-repl-ansi-color.elfile for the directory "contrib" of the SLIME, something as"~/.emacs....

    You also can want call the cacau in your ASDF system, to get it,configure your system of tests like this: You can want see the directory of example of ASDF integrationforbetter comprehension.

    The cacau was built to facilitate add new functionalities,as also write new interfaces or reporters.If you have one new idea for make it better, or found come bug, orwant contribute of any other way, don't let of open a newissue.

    Provide tests in others CL compilers/interpreters using some CI tool.
    Write unit tests for the cacau kernel functions.

    function (context name fn &key only skip (timeout -1))=> suite function (before-all name fn &key async (timeout -1))=> suite-before-all function (after-all name fn &key async (timeout -1))=> suite-after-all function (before-each name fn &key async (timeout -1))=> suite-before-each function (after-each name fn &key async (timeout -1))=> suite-after-...

  2. I finished the Cacau, one new test runner in Common Lisp. I hope cacau will also be useful to others besides me.

  3. 26. März 2018 · Die Haltestange. Ein weiteres besonderes Detail ist die Haltestange. Diese fällt beim Fitness Trampolin Joka Fit Cacau wirklich innovativ aus. Aus Sicherheitsgründen geht diese u-förmige Haltestange bis zum Boden. Zwei Steckaufnahmen fixieren die Haltestange am Rahmen des Trampolins.

  4. You can test the asynchronous code in Cacau easily just by passing a "done" function to the test function as shown below: suite('Suite 1', function() { test('Suite 1 - Test 1', (done) => { done(); }); test('Suite 1 - Test 1', (done) => { done(() => isTrue(true)); }); });

  5. Letzte News. Ältere Beiträge. Cacau wechselt in die J-League zu Cerezo Osaka. Cacau unterschreibt einen Vertrag bis 30.6. 2015 in der japanischen J-League bei Cerezo Osaka. Abschied von Stuttgart. Große Verabschiedung von großartigen VfB. 300 Spiele in der Bundesliga. Immer den Blick nach oben.