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  1. › wiki › MountMounts - Terraria Wiki

    Mounts are creatures or objects that act as vehicles that a player can use for transportation or dealing damage. When a mount-summoning item is used, it applies an unlimited buff to the player, spawns the mount, and places the player on or in it.

  2. Mounts are creatures or objects that act as vehicles that a player can use for transportation or dealing damage. When a mount-summoning item is used, it applies an unlimited buff to the player, spawns the mount, and places the player on or in it.

  3. Reittiere (engl. mounts) sind Kreaturen oder Objekte, die primär als Fortbewegungsmittel für Spielercharaktere und sekundär zum Verursachen von Schaden dienen.

  4. Reittiere (engl. mounts) sind Kreaturen oder Objekte, die primär als Fortbewegungsmittel für Spielercharaktere und sekundär zum Verursachen von Schaden dienen.

  5. Discover and craft over 500 weapons of magic, ranged, melee and summon varieties, as well as armor, and use them to battle hundreds of different enemies. Soon you'll be going head-to-head with any of a dozen enormous bosses. Go fishing, ride a mount, find Floating Islands, build houses for helpful NPCs, and much, much more.

  6. There are 12 Mounts in Terraria. All mounts listed will be deactivated by right-clicking their icon in the top left corner or pressing the Mount hotkey (default R). Several other Mounts were added in v1.2.4 Mounts that do not fly do not negate fall damage, even with wings equipped.

  7. Mounts in Terraria sind "Reittiere" welche man mit Items beschwören kann. Diese Items werden meistens von Bossen gedroppt. Manche Mounts machen einen schneller, manche Mounts lassen einen höher springen und einige lassen einen sogar fliegen!