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  1. A politically incorrect joke about language. Investors want to make a holiday resort on an uninhabited island. They hire 3 experts to get life going there. To the Frenchman they say, "you are in charge of cuisine". To the German they say, "you are in charge of accommodation".

  2. Get your dose of political jokes with our 30 satiric lines and witty riffs. Now you know where to get political puns and own a good sense of political humor.

  3. RINOs will have to pretend they’re conservative & libertarian. It will be bullshit, of course, but when they break their promises, they’ll be shooting themselves in future elections. With the Left regularly weaponizing government, judge appointments and every other check’n’balance control must be sought out.

  4. Political jokes that cross the aisle. These days, it’s hard to find anything funny in politics. With every political question now controversial and fodder for a fight, it can be downright ...

  5. These politically incorrect jokes make fun of all the politicians you love to hate: George Bush, Barack Obama, Dick Cheney, and everyone in between. They include some of the best Bill Clinton jokes , not to mention Monica Lewinsky jokes .

  6. The survey was a huge failure. In Africa they didn't know what "food" meant. In Eastern Europe they didn't know what "honest" meant. In Western Europe they didn't know what "shortage" meant. In China they didn't know what "opinion" meant. In the Middle East they didn't know what "solution" meant.

  7. Although there are varying degrees of funny in American politics, the antics of our elected officials are often best described as funny- weird or funny- cringe, or, especially, funny- yikes ...