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  1. Sri Lanka in high risk of ML & TF. Jul 23 (ST) The recent money laundering-related (Club Wasantha) assassination which shook the country will surely put Sri Lanka on the spot with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), grey list, top officials predict.

  2. The crisis in Sri Lanka: Human rights in peril Dec 1 (FT) In 2022, a youth-led citizens’ movement succeeded in ousting Sri Lanka’s all-powerful President, Prime Minister, and the Cabinet whom they held responsible for the island nation’s painful economic crash.

  3. Sri Lanka inflation rises to 6% in August 2021. Sep 1 (EN) SL’s inflation in the capital Colombo had risen to 6% in Aug 2021, from 5.7% in July with prices rising 0.3% in the month, data from the state statistics office shows.

  4. Sri Lanka owes its fast economic recovery to four women: President. Jul 21 (CT) President Ranil Wickremesinghe publicly announced last Sunday (14) that if Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa supports his efforts to rescue the country, the membership ban imposed on Premadasa will be lifted.

  5. Sri Lanka to give US$50mn to clear 800 containers stuck at port: Consumer Minister Sep 28 (EN) PM Mahinda Rajapaska had proposed to provide US$ 50 million to pay for shippers and clear containers stuck at port, at this week’s cabinet meeting, Minister Lasantha Alagiyawanna said.

  6. Sri Lanka drug shortages being cleared soon, some have alternatives: Minister Dec 1 (EN) There is no shortage of vital drugs in SL and seven essential medicines that are in short supply will be restocked in the next few weeks, a government minister said responding to opposition claims.

  7. The great and necessary leap backward. Nov 1 (TM) A great and necessary leap forward: This is what the Government of Sri Lanka led by Prez Gotabaya Rajapaksa has sought to do through its overambitious, ill-conceived, and even poorly executed “100% organic agriculture with immediate effect” fiasco.