Yahoo Web Suche


  1. Vor einem Tag · I read in the club’s information regarding purchasing tickets for the cup game v Coventry that all tickets have to be downloaded onto fans’ phones. My question is: what about those, like myself, who don’t have a smart phone? In order to come and support City does that mean I will be forced to spe...

  2. Vor 9 Stunden · Micro Computer Chips/hard drives have taken over our lives completely is it really the way to go? In my life time they have taken over everything, cars need them to run, we need them to get in them and start them Mob Phones, which rule our lives dont go without them PC`s/laptops are required for ...

  3. Vor 9 Stunden · Kamina 1949-yili 27-avgustda Amudaryoning quyi oqimida joylashgan Oltin To‘qayidagi Qayshili ovulida tug‘ilgan. Bolaligimda negadir To‘rdiboy amakim jahli chiqqan paytlari: “Boyagi suv toshqinida oyog‘ingdan ushlab daryoga otib yuborganim yaxshi edi”, – deb koyirdi. Aqlim kirib, bilsam, 50-yillari Amudaryo toshib, uy-joyimizni suv oqizib ketgan. Xudo yorlaqab bizning oilamizdan ...

  4. Vor 9 Stunden · 1181 ta xabar - muhojirlar Yangiliklari Haqida Daryo Maqola Va Postlari Ichidan Izlash Natijalari | DARYO Qidiruv

  5. Vor 9 Stunden · FXXga ko‘ra, samolyotni olib qochishni Ukrain tashkillashtirishga uringan. Rossiya maxsus xizmatlari Tu-22M3 strategik bombardimonchi samolyotining uchuvchisini og‘dirib olishga urinishning oldini olishgani to‘g‘risida hisobot bergan.