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  1. The districts of Kosovo are based on the 2000 Reform of the UNMIK-Administration. UNMIK reform of 2000 [ edit ] The United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo ( UNMIK ) introduced the following changes to the districts and municipalities of Kosovo (UNMIK) in 2000: [ citation needed ]

  2. Serbia strongly opposed Kosovo's declaration of independence, which was declared on 17 February 2008. On 12 February 2008, the Government of Serbia instituted an Action Plan to combat Kosovo's anticipated declaration, which stipulated, among other things, recalling the Serbian ambassadors for consultations in protest from any state recognising Kosovo, which it has consistently done.

  3. This is a list of cities and towns in the Kosovo in alphabetical order categorised by municipality or district, according to the criteria used by the Kosovo Agency of Statistics (KAS). Kosovo's population is distributed in 1,467 settlements with 26 per cent of its population concentrated in 7 urban areas, also known as regional centers, consisting of Ferizaj , Gjakova , Gjilan , Mitrovica ...

  4. His government, approved by the assembly and installed on March 22, 2021, consists of Albanians, as well as ministers from Kosovo's ethnic minorities, which include Bosniaks, Romani, Turks and Serbs. Although the government includes representatives of ethnic minorities, it is dominated by the Albanian majority, who have most influence on the decision-making.

  5. Termenul de Războiul din Kosovo (sau Conflictul din Kosovo) este folosit pentru a descrie două conflicte militare paralele din Kosovo: 1996 [1] –1999 : Conflict între forțele sârbe și iugoslave, și Armata de Eliberare din Kosovo , o grupare paramilitară de gherilă a etnicilor albanezi , susținută de NATO .

  6. 6. April: Zwei weitere Todesfälle werden gemeldet. Eine Person aus Pristina und eine aus Prizren. Insgesamt sind bisher im Kosovo drei Personen an COVID-19 gestorben. Am Abend wurden 20 neue positive Fälle bestätigt. Eine weitere Person ist wieder genesen. 7. April: Das Gesundheitsministerium des Kosovo gibt zwei neue Todesfälle bekannt.

  7. Datorită pretențiilor Serbiei că teritoriul Kosovo face parte din integritatea suveranității, reacția acesteia a inclus și rechemarea ambasadorilor săi din țările care au recunoscut independența Kosovo pentru consultări pentru câteva luni, acuzându-i pe liderii kosovari de înaltă trădare, și anunțându planuri pentru a judeca cazul la Curtea Internațională de Justiție.

  1. Nutzer haben außerdem gesucht nach