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  1. › blogLRB Blog

    Relief, renewed anxiety, several surprises. These are the mixed feelings of a country that voted down the Rassemblement National on Sunday. As the blogs unreliable narrator on France, I’ve presented readers with poll predictions in earlier posts that turned out to be wide of the mark.

  2. › blogLRB Blog

    LRB Blog. Latest. Small Change. James Butler. 1. Labour’s manifesto at least looks like a real programme, though it is in places evasive, unclear or underpowered. Starmer promised ‘no surprises’ between its covers: it is a conservative document, cleared of any potential traps on the way to Downing Street.

  3. 25. Apr. 2024 · Read anywhere with the London Review of Books app, available now from the App Store for Apple devices, Google Play for Android devices and Amazon for your Kindle Fire. Europe’s leading magazine of ideas, published twice a month. Book reviews and essays (and much more online) renowned for their fearlessness, range and elegance.

  4. 21. Okt. 2022 · Comparisons were inevitable and humiliating, and came quickly. Liz Truss’s 44-day term, from winning the Conservative leadership contest until her resignation yesterday, was shorter than the lifespan of the average female mosquito (56 days) or a red blood cell (155).

  5. 2. Nov. 2023 · At the Harvard conference there was widespread agreement that Habermas’s focus on normative foundations had led to the inflation of political theory and the marginalisation of social theory. For some, it created the danger of a form of critique that becomes a mere ‘ought’, situated above and outside the social world.

  6. Für die nachhaltige Entwicklung der Schweiz spielen ländliche Räume und Berggebiete eine zentrale Rolle. Globalisierung, gesellschaftlicher Wandel, steigernder Ressourcenverbrauch und Umweltveränderungen bringen jedoch vielfältige Dynamiken und Herausforderungen mit sich.

  7. The London Review of Books (LRB) is a British literary magazine published bimonthly (twice a month) that features articles and essays on fiction and non-fiction subjects, which are usually structured as book reviews.