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  1. Quests erzählen dir die Geschichte der Welt, ihrer Länder und deren Herrscher. Es gibt verschiedene Questgeber, die sich um unterschiedliche Bereiche deines Fortschritts kümmern.

    • Overview
    • Story Quests
    • Side Quests
    • Recurring Quests
    • Bonus Quests
    • Event Quests
    • Daily Challenges
    • Special Quests

    Quests are objectives players complete by producing certain goods, achieving certain conditions, perform certain tasks, etc. The rewards can consist of coins, supplies, goods, military units, forge point packages, blueprints and sometimes diamonds.

    Story quests provide an overarching plot for an entire era. Side quests and recurring quests may be given by non-player-characters, depending on progress in the tech tree or on the continent map. There are sometimes event quests that when completing entire chain provide a special item.

    Story quests provide an overarching plot for an entire era. Those quests contain a lot of tasks that require advancing on the campaign map. Story quests can not be aborted.

    Side quests are unlocked in Bronze Age. New side quests are triggered by completing story quests, researching technologies, constructing specific buildings, scouting and conquering provinces. If the player completes or aborts all available side quests, recurring quests will take place until the requirements for new side quests are fulfilled.

    Recurring quests require the player to collect some resources, gain units, or do other tasks to gain rewards. Completing them gives one random reward. Diamonds can be earned through recurring quests, but only once for each quest. 

    To unlock recurring quests, the player must complete or skip all available side quests that are in queue. At any point of the game there are certain set of recurring quests. Those can be aborted and therefore cycled through if the player chooses. They keep going in a loop until an in-game action unlocks more side quests.

    There are three sets of bonus quests, belonging to the Early Middle Ages, Late Middle Ages, and Industrial Age. They are unlocked upon scouting one of the bonus provinces of each of these eras. Like story quests, they cannot be aborted.

    Upon completion of the bonus questline, their "slot" will remain, and is utilised for side quests. Thus, the player can have two side quests concurrently.

    Event quests are temporary tasks available with each event. Players can complete those until the event ends. After that those quests become unavailable and new ones will be provided with the next event.

    Completing event quests is a necessary mean to get the most out of the event since they provide useful event resources and milestone rewards to receive special prices provided in the event.

    Daily Challenges provide players with a new quest every day. Each day players can choose between two different reward chests and get certain amount of tasks which will reward the chosen chest upon completing. After completing seven Daily Challenges players are rewarded with additional Challenger's Chest.

    Daily quests are unlocked by researching Millitia in the Iron Age

    There exist one special quest called Earn Rewards, which appears daily and gives a small reward upon completion.

  2. Quests (Haupt-Storyline-Questreihe) Kategorieseite. Die nicht abbrechbaren Quests der Haupt-Storyline in allen Zeitaltern, die praktisch ausschließlich von Ragu Silvertongue, dem politischen Berater des Spielers, und später - nach dessen Verrat - von Myciena, Prinzessin of Maidenport gestellt werden: #. A.

  3. Story Quests are a type of quest the player has to deal with. These quests, as the name suggests, narrate a story or a chronological sequence of events in the player's city and interactions with the province owners.

  4. Erledige die 20 Quests, um deine Siedlungsbelohnung zu erhalten! Damit du Das Mogulreich spielen kannst, musst du die Forschung „Hochschulbildung“ (Spätmittelalter) freizuschalten. Die Bauweisen:

  5. 7. Sept. 2017 · Quests gehören zu den zentralen Inhalten von Forge of Empires. Sie leiten Euch durch das Spiel und bestimmen oftmals den Fortschritt. Das aktuelle System, welches wir bereits die letzten 5 Jahre verwendet haben, ist gut und hat super funktioniert, hatte aber auch einige Einschränkungen.

  6. Stellt sicher, dass ihr in eurer Siedlung Wohn- und Diplomatiegebäude baut, um genügend Rupien zu produzieren, und erledigt die 20 Quests, um eure Siedlungsbelohnung zu erhalten!