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  1. Vor 7 Stunden · Israel war on Gaza live: ‘Absolute chaos’ at hospitals after school attack. Doctors treat children on the floor after an Israeli air attack on UN-run school wounds 75 people.

  2. Vor 7 Stunden · 2 January. An airstrike in the Dahieh neighborhood of Beirut, Lebanon, resulted in the assassination of Saleh al-Arouri, deputy leader of Hamas' political bureau and one of the architects of a Hamas attack on Israel. Along with al-Arouri, six other individuals including high-ranking Hamas militants were killed.

  3. › wiki › AlbanienAlbanien – Wikipedia

    Vor einem Tag · Albanien ( albanisch indefinit: Shqipëri [ ʃcipəˈɾi ], definit: Shqipëria [ ʃcipəˈɾia ]; amtlich Republik Albanien, albanisch Republika e Shqipërisë) ist ein Staat in Südosteuropa auf der Balkanhalbinsel.

  4. Vor 7 Stunden · The Qatar-backed state-funded news media, Al-Jazeera, exposed US mistreatment of civilians and suspected terrorists during the War in Iraq in 2003. Qatar supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, an ally of Hamas, and opposed a US and Saudi-backed coup in the country in 2014.

  5. Vor 7 Stunden · Dit is 'n lies van terroristische aansjlaeg die geplaeg woorte in 't jaor 2016. De lies tuint de details van de aansjlaeg. Tösse häöksjkes waere de daeders van de aansjlaeg getuind die bie hön actie gedoed woorte of gewóndj zien geraak. Es 't mier es vieftig doeje of gewónje bie 'nen aansjlaag goof, waere de getalle in vètten teks getuind.

  6. Vor 7 Stunden · 互联网顶级域. .ly. 利比亞國 (阿拉伯语: دولة ليبيا ‎),通稱 利比亞 (阿拉伯语: ليبيا ‎),是位於 北非 的國家。. 與 埃及 、 蘇丹共和國 、 乍得 、 尼日尔 、 阿爾及利亞 和 突尼西亞 相鄰。. 面积176万平方公里。. 利比亚地区曾先后属于 罗马 ...

  7. Vor 7 Stunden · Essa eleição trata de um evento atual ou em curso Nota É desejável que indique um dos temas que constam da lista de tema