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  1. Vor 8 Stunden · Market pricing for 2024 ECB cuts looks stretched. Euro rates are now pricing in 48bp of cuts for 2024, which is just 2bp shy of two full 25bp cuts. In our baseline case, we also see scope for two more cuts this year, but the pricing seems stretched. To justify such pricing, a non-negligible probability should be assigned to three more cuts ...

  2. Vor einem Tag · Een pijnlijk moment in ‘B&B zoekt lief’. Nadat B&B-uitbater Jelmont (62) in Portugal al dagenlang voor frustraties zorgt bij vrijgezellen Ingrid (61) en Vicky (60), is voor hen de maat vol. Na ...

  3. Vor 8 Stunden · Bank Indonesia. (Rosa Panggabean/Bloomberg) Bloomberg Technoz, Jakarta - Ekonom menyarankan Bank Indonesia (BI) untuk berhati-hati dalam menerbitkan instrumen Sekuritas Rupiah Bank Indonesia (SRBI) agar tak terjadi gangguan likuiditas di pasar keuangan dan menyebabkan krisis perbankan seperti yang terjadi di Amerika Serikat (AS) pada 2023 lalu.

  4. Vor 8 Stunden · ING Bank Lavora con noi: offerte di lavoro in Banca. Grimaldi Lines Lavora con noi: posizioni aperte, come candidarsi. Olivetti assume diplomati e laureati, come candidarsi.

  5. Vor 8 Stunden · The bilateral meeting was convened at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Co-operation at Takuba Lodge in Georgetown, with the US participat­ing virtually, the release said. At the opening ceremony, Guyana’s Foreign Secretary, Robert Persaud, asserted that the dialogue continues along the upward trajectory of partnershi­ps and relationsh­ips that the two sides have enjoyed ...

  6. Vor 8 Stunden · Potrivit unui studiu organizat de ING Bank România, 38% dintre românii care își împart cheltuielile cu partenerul de viață sau cu familia nu și-au monitorizat aceste cheltuieli în niciun fel în ultimii doi ani. Doar 29% dintre aceștia au obiective financiare stabilite împreună, iar 17% au un buget bine definit pentru viitor.

  7. Vor 8 Stunden · A Merseyside Police officer has been given a final written warning after calling his partner a "little f***ing meff" during a domestic incident at their home. A Merseyside Police misconduct ...

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