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  1. Eurogas is the trade association for gaseous energies in Europe. With 105 members across 28 countries, Eurogas represents the entire gas value chain. Our members cover: Gas wholesale and retail gas markets. The distribution of natural gas, biomethane and hydrogen. Gases for vehicles.

  2. 26. Apr. 2024 · Eurogas supports the Commission’s investigation into State Aid for Biomethane. Read more 28/03/2024. Press Release.

  3. EuroGas Inc. and Belmont Resources Inc. v. Slovak Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/14/14. Case type: International Investment Agreement. Investment treaty: Canada-Slovak Republic BIT, US-Slovak Republic BIT. Applicable legal instruments: Canada-Slovak Republic BIT, US-Slovak Republic BIT. Economic sector:

  4. 18. Aug. 2017 · Letter from EuroGas Inc. and Belmont Resources Inc. to the Government of the Slovak Republic, 23 December 2013, ¶35 (C-42) ("Failing a favorable response from the Republic of Slovakia by January 31, 2014, accepting to engage in good faith in settlement negotiations with EuroGas and Belmont towards an agreement on compensation, an ICSID arbitration will be commenced by EuroGas and Belmont.").

  5. 6. Feb. 2009 · EuroGas, Inc. berichtet über Entwicklung von Erdgasvorkommen in der Ukraine. New York, NY, 23. Juli 2008 (ots) - EuroGas, Inc. (WKN 891 969) gibt bekannt, dass sie mit OJSC ZNVKIF New Technologies (ZNT) Kiew, eine 100prozentige Tochtergesellschaft einer der größten Industrieholdings in der Ukraine, eine gemeinsame Absichtserklärung (MOU) unterzeichnet hat, um in Kürze zwei ...

  6. 30. Dez. 2020 · December 30, 2020 . Salt Lake City UT USA . EuroGas Inc. On behalf of the Board of Directors . Wolfgang Rauball Chairman & CEO

  7. Tombstone Schadensersatz-Prozess gegen EuroGas Inc. endet mit vernichtender und blamabler Niederlage für Tombstone Exploration Corp. Utah District Court weist $ 53 Millionen Schadensersatz-Klage ab und gewährt Tombstone Exploration Corp. Schadensersatz in Höhe von 1.00 $ („One Dollar“)

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